Friday, August 7, 2009

sever-year itch

Haven't paint a picture since I was graduated in visual studies. With limited working space after moving back to Hong Kong, and also had no spare time on doing this or that (probably those are excuses) one proper word: lazy can be used to explain the entire situation.
Anyway, suddenly feel like it's time to pick up all those I used to do. So I went to art supplies store and got some canvases (of course they aren't the big scale but tiny ones) and paints, started thinking of the theme of paintings... cool~~ many good ideas came at once but finally chose to paint four as a series.... something about four seaons.
Didn't follow the sequence but just my mood~
The very first one after my seven-year itch: Lime Spring 青春 or you can call it "Youthhood" by translating the name from Chinese.